2023-2024 Youth Basketball Registration is Open!
CYB offers INBC League with 2 Levels, Select and Recreational:
1. INBC Recreational League - Kindergarten thru 6th Grade
2. INBC Select League - 3rd-6th grade
Registration Links:
Girls REC: https://www.sportabase.com/Registration/Register/3863
Boys REC: https://www.sportabase.com/Registration/Register/3862
Boys & Girls SELECT Team Player: Registration https://www.sportabase.com/Registration/Register/3865
Please email cvilleyouthbasketball@gmail.com for more info on registering your boys or girls SELECT team for the upcoming season.
Please see our FAQ's page as well as our Calendar and CYB Info pages to assist with what Level is best for your child(ren). If you have questions, please contact us at cvilleyouthbasketball@gmail.com.
INBC Recreational
9/15-9/19 - Early Bird - $85
9/20-10/12 - Regular - $95
After 10/13 will incur a $25 late fee - $120
*Multi-child discount of $10 per player up to 3 total players
INBC Select
Team/Player registration and payment made by Coach to CYB - $750/team You may also Cash app your payment to $CYBcards (look for the cardinal)
*Any player interested in playing on a select team for grades 3rd - 6th grade Girls and Boys, email CYB and we will pass along your information to Coaches that are interested in forming Collinsville Select teams. If needed, we can coordinate a Select team meeting to connect players and coaches.