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2022-2023 Season Registration and Info

 Boys Rec:

 Girls Rec:

Select Team Player Regitration:

Please email for more info on registering your boys or girls SELECT team for the upcoming season.

Please see our FAQ's page as well as our Calendar and CYB Info pages to assist with what Level is best for your child(ren).  If you have questions, please contact us at

CYB offers INBC League with 2 Levels, Select and Recreational:
1. INBC Recreational League - Kindergarten thru 6th Grade
2. INBC Select League - 3rd-6th grade

INBC Recreational
9/5-9/19 - Early Bird - $85
9/20-10/12 - Regular - $95
After 10/13 will incur a $25 late fee - $120

*Multi-child discount of $10 per player up to 3 total players

INBC Select
Team/Player registration and payment made by Coach to CYB - $750/team Coaches may also use cash app $CYBcash to make team payments. (look for the cardinal)

*Any player interested in playing on a select team for grades 3rd - 6th grade Girls and Boys, email CYB and we will pass along your information to Coaches that are interested in forming Collinsville Select teams.  If needed, we can coordinate a Select team meeting to connect players and coaches.



If you have questions after reviewing FAQ's, please contact us at

Are coaches kids automatically saved?
Answer: No. Coaches must chose to protect their athlete along with 3 others or they will go into the draft.

How many practices a week and when?

Answer:  For INBC Rec Teams, 2 practices a week are allowed. M-F and Sunday timeslots are available to coaches, 4pm-9pm. Coaches decide on practice times. INBC Select teams may practice more than twice a week, there are no practice limitations for Select teams.

How many games a week?
Answer:  For INBC Rec and Select, 1 game a week. The INBC scheduling goal is Select teams play on weeknights (M, Th, F) with Rec teams playing on Saturday.

How many total games?
Answer:  INBC Rec and Select - 9 league games with at least 1 post season tournament game.

What are the differences between INBC Recreational and Select Leagues?
Answer:  The INBC Rec has participation rules that focuses on players getting good quality playing time where in INBC Select there are no participation rules.  Per INBC Rec team rules, Rec teams are built via a draft vs. hand-picked to ensure teams are balanced and fair.  There are however INBC Rec player carry-over rules from previous season.  These rules can be found in the INBC handbook - 2021-2022 INBC Rules

INBC also offers a more competitive level called 'Select'.  This level is for more advanced players where teams are hand-picked by a coach vs a formal 'draft'.  Basic difference, a Coach tells CYB their roster (Select) vs CYB tells a Coach theirs (Rec).

Select Coaches will Register their Select Team and then will invite their Players to join their Select Team.  Select Coaches will be responsible for paying the $750 team fee by 10/22/2022

What do registration fees go toward?
Answer:  Registration fees include School Gym rental for the season, Insurance for each player and spectators during practices and games, Volunteer\Coach background checks, Website, Equipment fees and INBC Club membership, team and post season tournament fees.

What are the Gate admission fees and what do they go towards?
Answer:  INBC - $5 for Adults and $2 for Children ages 6-18 and $2 for Seniors 65 or older. Children 5 years old or younger are Free. For INBC Championship games the price increases to $7, $3 and $3.  All gate proceeds pay for that night's officials and workers.

How does CYB help our JH/HS Girls and Boys Basketball programs?
Answer:  From 2015-2020, CYB  donated over $22,000 dollars to assist with equipment, booster programs for players and upgrades to gyms for all Collinsville students. 

In 2021, CYB donated an additional $18,000 school athletics, girls and boys basketball booster programs, and paying to refinishing gym floors.

In 2022, CYB donated an additional $22,000 dollars to the school athletics, girls and boys basketball booster programs, refinishing gym floors, replacing equipment at Wilson, and donations directly to the CUE and Herald PE Programs.

What are the season start and end dates?
Answer:  Season dates will be posted to Latest News section.

What time are games usually?
Answer:  INBC Rec and Select game times are 1 hr with weeknight Select game times at 6, 7 and 8pm, younger players will be scheduled for 6 and/or 7pm game times.  Saturday games could start as early as 7am and could start as late as 8pm. We work hard to make sure younger players are not scheduled late at night.

What Collinsville Gyms are used for practices and games?

Answer Middle School will primarily be used for practices, however MS Gym may be used for games in overflow situations.  Herald Gym will be used for practices and some INBC K, 1st, and 2nd grade Saturday Rec games with the majority of INBC games held at the CUE Gym and High School Practice Gym (HS2)  (M, Tu, Th, Fr and Sat).

Does CYB provide uniforms?
Answer:  No, uniform information is provided to coaches and team parents to decide on what styles, colors, etc the team would like and orders are placed by coach or a parent.  Typical cost is $45-$65 per uniform.  Jersey rules are outlined in the INBC Rule Handbook.

What are the Ball sizes and Goal heights?
INBC Rec and Select by Grade
Basketball sizes:
K thru 3rd Girls and Boys REC - 27.5"
3rd Girls and Boys SELECT - 28.5"
4th / 5th Girls and Boys REC & SELECT, and 6th Girls REC & SELECT - 28.5"
6th Boys REC & SELECT- 29.5"

Goal Height:
K thru 2nd Girls and Boys - 8.5 ft
3rd thru 6th Girls and Boys - 10 ft

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